Perfect match tutors starting from $15/hr

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Video Tutoring

Students chat to their tutor via live video, helping to build that important one-to-one rapport.

Documents Sharing

Resources such as essays, past papers and diagrams can be up-loaded to the online Lesson

Easy Collaboration

Pupils and tutors work through problems together, using the in-teractive whiteboard


Are MyTutorPod’s sessions tailored to school syllabus ?

Absolutely, All session are completely customised according to the student’s current school syllabus.

What is included with the Free session?

The Free 1 hour session enables you to experience the power of one on one collaboration using advanced tools such as video conferencing and interactive whiteboard. It also allows you to find the perfect tutor according to teaching style and methods for FREE.

Do you provide Tutor satisfaction guarantee?

At MyTutorPod, we’re committed to connecting you to top tutors capable of delivering an outstanding experience. That’s why we provide a comprehensive satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your selected tutor, please call us and we will help you identify a tutor who might be a better fit or will refund your money.

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We’re always looking for talented tutors.

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