Video Tutoring
Students chat to their tutor via live video, helping to build that important one-to-one rapport.

Documents Sharing
Resources such as essays, past papers and diagrams can be up-loaded to the online Lesson

Easy Collaboration
Pupils and tutors work through problems together, using the in-teractive whiteboard

Book a Demo
Start by filling up the signup form and provide student information. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Cant wait then call at (347)-418-0774 with any of your tutoring needs (homework, exams, test prep, etc.).
Assistance Begins
We will help you identify an expert tutor who meets your needs and has met our five step tutor recruitment process. We will arrange the FREE 1 hour session at a mutually agreed time.

Get Started
With Free Session
Get connected with a live one on one tutor where you can discuss your problems and your goals with the tutor. The tutor provides a FREE session for 1 hour where you can access the teaching style and methods applied and after class provide your feedback.
Get started with MyTutorPod now
More qualified instructors than anywhere else, ready to help.