Male Female


Philosophy (Masters) - St Andrews University

Adam has a kind and encouraging approach to anxious or shy students, building their confidence and enabling them to give of their best.


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12

Student Feedback
“Very good, today Jonathan and I just went over simultaneous equations and also a sub-topic that I missed in school (graphical significance). Very productive and helpful lesson :)”


Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) (Bachelors) - Birmingham University

Lucy is an excellent educator and one of MytutorPOD’s content creators, helping students to build strong study skills based on his knowledge of the curriculum.


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12

Student Feedback
“Lucy helped me learn how Shakespeare’s language can be translated and how it is used to add feeling. We also did some creative writing tasks which I enjoyed.”


French and Spanish (Bachelors) - Exeter College, Oxford University

Emily is an insightful tutor, an avid reader with an expansive knowledge of English texts, who is adept at extending students from years 3-10 to reach their full potential.


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12


Tutoring Yrs 11 - 12

Student Feedback
“I wrote an informative text on technology and we did some comprehension questions that were pretty fun. It was really nice meeting Emily and we had a very fun lesson.”

Thousands of parents, students and teachers have rated us 4.9/5

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