Innovative Ways to Build Montessori Environment at Home

Innovative Ways to Build Montessori Environment at Home

Environment plays a crucial role in developing a child’s learning attitude. The learning environment at home can amplify your child’s learning curiosities. The educational background at schools drives significant energies of children towards education. We will be presenting pro-tips for instilling a Montessori environment at your home for children.

Understanding Montessori

Montessori is a child focussed learning environment that caring teachers supervise. The student controls the learning pace at Montessori. There is no sense of competition; instead, the atmosphere pushes the child towards creativity at their learning speed.

Montessori may seem like a classroom environment, but it works only to build passion towards learning and creativity. There is no fear of passing or failing here.


1.Rotate & Pair Child’s Favorite Items

You have to bring your house environment to the perspective of the child. This step doesn’t require an investment, but it works with the available toys and clothes. You can start with a limited stock of toys and clothes in your child’s room. The technique here is to pair a set of clothes with specific toys for your child every day. You must keep rotating the pairing of clothes and items to make different combinations. This technique will build interest in your child while waiting for every next pair.

With time, you can ask your child to choose their pair. They can arrange their toys and clothes with their preferences.


2.Organize Things for Your Child

A good organization is another Montessori principle. It would be best to organize the items for your child but not as per your concept of organization of things. Organizing things must be done per your child’s definition of organization. In other words, the organization of items should focus on the comfortability of your children.

Here are some of the tips to organize things for your child:

  • Place all toys at an accessible & reachable place for your child. It can be a low shelf or drawer in their room. A child should be comfortable picking the toys and placing them back after playing with them.
  • Stacking your child’s clothes in lower levels of closets or shelves. Children should be encouraged to choose their pair of clothes and get dressed themselves when they get old.
  • Children should help out parents in cooking or washing acts at home. However, they need higher steps to reach these height levels. The good idea is to place child stools in the kitchen to step on them.
  • Children should pick up their snacks and drinks from the refrigerator. Items can be picked by children when they are at lower fridge levels. Parents should organize fridge items so that their child can easily pick up their favourite edible items.


3.Say Goodbye to TV Time

Montessori discourages watching tv. The Pediatrics American academy prohibits watching tv for children under the age of two. The academy states that watching tv is an obstacle to learning from the social environment. Children in younger generations learn a lot from their social settings and parents. Therefore, a suitable storytime is a far better approach than watching TV for younger children.


4.Observe the interests

A keen observation of your child’s activities will help you make a better Montessori environment at home. You must observe your child’s actions during the whole day to get enough information about their interests. You will get to know which things bore your child and which spark their higher interests. This activity will generate all the information you need to bring more items of interest into your Montessori build environment at home.


5.Participation in Household Works

The child should be encouraged to help in daily household chores. These activities can be washing, cooking, dusting, etc. Household activities teach responsibility to your children. They learn to control and face their circumstances. Children would know that exemplary efforts can bring fruitful results while the wrong results in zero output.

Some household activities where children can help are:

Picking the grocery items from baskets

Filling their water bottles

Placing and staking their clothes

Help in setting the food table

Putting toys in order on shelves.

Here, a more helpful way is to introduce children with child-sized brooms to dust away from their toys shelves.


Bringing Montessori to your home will create a balanced learning environment for your children. Your child will be learning round the clock from the specially designed environment of their homes. The numerous benefits for your child include self-confidence, creativity, curiosity, motivation, kindness, teamwork, and intelligent thinking approaches.

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