Five Most Effective Learning Strategies
The learning capacity of every child is unique. Everyone learns at their own pace. Some are quick learners while some require some time to digest the concepts. The learning skills can be developed by following successful learning strategies. These strategies can help everyone who wants to improve their learning pace.
Active Listening Strategy
Listening is key. This learning strategy is focused on the active listening process. This method encourages students to repeat the phrases and sentences in their own words which they listen or learn from their teacher. The teacher should be teaching students in loud tones to facilitate active listening. This method keeps the focus of children to lecture as they need to repeat their understandings back to their teacher.
Note Taking Strategy
Notes-taking is one of the most practiced learning strategies. But everyone follows their style of taking notes. The world’s best-researched notes-taking strategy recommends drawing a line on the quarter section of your paper at the bottom and another similar one on the left side but two inches in width. Notes should be taken in the middle of the page while the left one should be used to mention questions asked during the lecture. The bottom one should be used only to make up two lines summary of the lessons.
SQ3R Strategy
This method works on the highest engagement levels of students. It is called the survey, question & 3R (read, recite, review) method.
Survey Part
The first part of the survey is to take a preliminary view of the lesson. This picture up a rough idea of the information you will be tackling in the lesson.
Question Part
The second part is self-questioning that why you would be learning from the lessons and what will be the outcomes.
Reading Part
The third part is the detailed one. The student would read all of the details in a lesson with full concentration. The student would already have questions in mind and will find it more interesting to read the lesson.
Reciting Part
The fourth part is repeating the important information. You will be going back to important points once again to make them more clear & digestible.
Reviewing Part
Reviewing is connecting what is being learned with the previous lessons. You will be connecting the different pieces of learning to your memory.
This method is quite successful in grabbing the attention of students who find it hard to concentrate. They will remain quite focused from the first part to the last one since the stages are designed to be interconnected with each other.
Poyla’s 4 Step Process
Most famous scientists have practiced different learning methods in their lives. They tried to create a highly focused environment for their research work. One of the famous mathematicians, Poyla described a very productive four-step-based learning method.
The first step towards learning is know the point of the question. Poly urges to have a clear understanding of two things; what you know & what you don’t know about the question beforehand.
Creating Plan
The second step is developing a plan to test your understandings. You should test your knowledge of what you understood about the problem.
Working on Plan
The third step is to convert your plan to action. You should start doing the work scheduled in the planning stages above.
Results & Feedback
Observe the achieved results and try to gauge the effectiveness of the planning done in the first stage.
Kinesthetic Learning
This method is all based on the practicality of concepts. The students won’t be sitting to attend lectures all day but the teacher would be delivering lessons from the practical real-life examples. Math would be taught in supermarkets while biology will be taught through visits to the zoo. However, this method requires far more expertise of teachers to develop a practical understanding of every lesson they deliver to their students.
Some students might only want to learn through kinesthetic learning methods while the teacher may be pushing the student to traditional classroom environments.
Every struggling student is stuck in learning due to a unique learning problem. Parents & teachers should spend ample time practicing the above learning styles to learn about the children learning preferences.
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