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8 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Maths

Mathematics is a nightmare for many children. Often children give up too quickly on mathematics. Some might think that they need to be super smart to tackle maths, while others might have good understanding levels, but they would not score satisfactory in exams.

You might think that you can’t understand the struggles of children in mathematics since you aren’t much familiar with maths. However, we are going to provide you with a complete guide on solving your children’s anxieties related to mathematics.

Breed Positive Attitude

Don’t mention your struggles with mathematics in a negative way to your children. You should not tell them that it has been a tough subject for yourself too. The children would find this excuse and won’t struggle a bit in understanding maths. However, you can talk more about your constant efforts that led to your understanding of mathematics. This will provide positive encouragement to children that if they aren’t scoring well in maths, this isn’t the end. They will keep on putting more & more effort into mathematics.

Real-life implementations

Math is very close to nature. It must be taught in real life. If you can connect your child to real-life maths situations, the learning levels will improve significantly.

You can take an example of using percentages while shopping from supermarkets’ discounted products. You can ask your child to calculate how much can be saved when buying discounted products. Similarly, you can implement area and perimeter calculations in the rooms of your own house. This will connect practicality with maths for new learners, and they will be keen to know more about mathematics.

Focus on the right learning approach

A student must not be trapped in long calculations if their point of focus is getting answers for numerical problems. If children are focusing on ratios and percentages, the approach to solve each division or decimal multiplication to get the ratios might not be productive here. You can encourage them to use calculators in time taking calculations to reach the real target. Students must not be forced to solve each step of maths on their own if they are allowed to use calculators in exams.

Neat and accurate figures

Maths is all about accurate & exact figures. If you have noted the question figures at mumbled jumbled way at somewhere in your working sheets, there are greater chances that you would MIx up the figures and numbers. You must take care of accurate neatness in noting down the figures so the chances of making mistakes can be eliminated. A small decimal error while copying it from the working sheets can make the results far away from the right answers.

Familiarity with Math terminology

Your child must be familiar with maths terminologies to understand the questions. Most students often miss understanding a word or two in the question statements and end up doing the wrong solutions to problems. If you find children doing wrong solutions every time, you must work on their maths vocabulary so they can comprehend the questions in the right manner.

Diagrams and Pictorial presentation

Some children aren’t good with keeping up the whole plot of question in mind. It’s better to follow the diagram and pictorial approach so they won’t lose track of the information provided. Drawing helps a lot in sorting out the data provided in the questions. You can draw a rough sketch and use symbols to indicate the information provided in the question. This will be a lot helpful when you would need the data for working out the solutions.

Put fun to Boring concepts

The Internet can help a lot in connecting maths problems to real-life activities. If you are struggling to understand a certain mathematical concept, you can search for its real-life situation on the internet. There are a lot of fun games and practical life cases available on the internet to help you out with all of the most complex mathematical concepts.

Bit of Maths every day

Maths should not be limited to schools only. Fifteen twenty minutes of maths sessions at home can ignite children’s interest in mathematics. It’s more fruitful to take some of the math concepts learned at school and implement them in more fun ways at home. Parents should encourage children to learn maths in more interesting ways at home too.

As per statistics, almost ninety percent of adults find maths difficult, and they deliver a similar picture of maths to their children. This approach is passing on maths fear from generation to generation. However, maths isn’t that complex when you connect real-life situations in understanding it.

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